
Hello, thank you for reading our entertaining posts :) .

What is JOKE Uploads?
JOKE Uploads a two words which mean “where jokes are uploaded”, it is are people's Blog with people's entertainment.

What we have on JOKE Uploads?
 You will find funny jokes, interestingposts and touching stories uploaded by us. We also give you (the reader) an option to submit your own posts via the contact us form which a then reviewed and published if they meet our quality standards.

Who is behind JOKE Uploads?
JOKE Uploads is done by:
John Mulindwa, He is are Makerere University student who loves web designing and 
 programming ,he’s main motive is to fight boredom and increase entertainment.
“I feel sad seeing someone sad so I enjoy making people smile and laugh”.|twitter|

How JOKE Uploads is built?
JOKE Uploads is a blog which uses Blogger platform.

Write to us at: jokeuploads@gmail.com